then am I not perfect?
Is it not in my desire,
my nature,
to revel, glorify my light,
as the wilderness,
to wrath the light,
upon this earth,
within the spark of creation,
create a garden of eden,
to fit this perfection?
Is this love?
Why should I have the patience to be understood?
Why should I expect you then,
to have the patience
to be understood?
Brother of man,
I see god in your eyes,
or I wanted to, once,
I still want to,
brother of man,
I am no stranger to the rain,
I am no stranger to the rain,
but I am not your father.
I cannot cast you away from me,
I cannot drown you in a flood of tears.
All I can do, is remind you,
you are,
made in the image of a god,
which makes you perfect.
which makes you desire,
your nature, to revel,
glorify in your light,
lost to your wilderness,
to wrath upon this earth,
a light within the spark of creation,
and become a garden of Eden,
which fits your perfection.
But, I,
In the pursuit of excellence,
I created a god in the image of a man,
to glorify the light I saw,
lost to the wilderness of my garden of Eden.
Is this love?
Who am I to argue with the god of my creation?
And, you,
In the pursuit of excellence,
you created a man in the image of a god,
to glorify the light you saw,
as a wilderness in the garden of Eden.
Is this love?
Who are you to argue with a man of your creation?
In the pursuit of excellence,
I became a man, without a god,
without a father, without a lover,
without a garden, without,
snow falling soft,
on your breath,
child of Eden,
were you ever there?
god as man, man as god,
does it make a difference?
the spark of your creation,
I was lost in my wilderness,
a god, a man,
in my garden of Eden,
Is it too late to
let go of the
pursuit of excellence,
and just be,
lost to the wilderness.
light, snow,
Is this love?
Is this love?
child of Eden.
Is this love?
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