Thursday, October 31, 2013
10-30 Does Martha Get Hangovers?
Do you think,
all of those,
perky, perfect, pumpkin seeds,
didn't happen without a special,
spank-me, spice me,
slap-n-squeeze my lime tickle me,
puh-lease, this smile,
(adjusting the blonde wig)
is just as sweet as the day of,
cover of,
Living the morning after.
get this girl, a rice latte already!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
10-29 Odie's Bridge
behind your eyes,
the hunt had begun.
I could tell,
you wanted to bundle in,
scarf around your head,
ignore the call,
and look down,
at still water collecting evening,
but instead, you held on to the
wooden rails, train rushing by,
while I, casually, ripped out my eyes,
to show you the backside,
and said,
don't worry sweetie,
see I have scars too,
before jumping over the rail,
face planting, blindly groping,
crawling on the moving,
sinuous surface, till I could stand,
hands clutching my eye-balls,
middle-finger pointing lightening to the sky,
don't worry sweetie,
I yelled over the rush of the train,
see I have scars too,
and popped them back in,
while you faded away, ticket in hand,
fingers clutching your face, I heard a pop,
followed, by another, and then silence.
The hunt was on.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
10-28 For Example: A Shoe
Last I heard,
you were stuck,
on the steps of the palace,
mighty warm, on the steps of the palace,
where the king had born a tiny lord, mighty warm,
The tiny lord, on the steps of the palace,
oh! magnum, did you hear what I heard?
you stole the heart of the tiny lord, oh magnum,
on the steps of the palace,
you were screaming, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria,
we all heard, you screaming, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria,
on the steps of the palace, in excelsis, De-e- Oh!
Why so mysterious, excelsis, baby, joy to the world,
and all that,
I still can't believe you stole his heart? You did, right?
Was it? A star, that star, that prince of a star, shining in the east?
That made you do it? Or
Was it? That pesky little drummer boy,
pounding Bolero into the night?
Oh I know! A toast, a toast! It was him, HIM!
roasting his gingham chestnuts,
on the steps of the palace, roasting. That Tiny lord, mmmm.
No? Do tell, do tell. Boo. Why so mysterious, Magnum? Why?
What gave you courage to take his parting glass and fill it with, Oh!
Magnum, why?
Why ever did you run? Silly. He can't celebrate this night without you.
Without you, babe, without you, he can't celebrate, why ever, did you run?
Heigh ho, sweetie, Heigh Ho,
it's all so much folly,
Heigh ho, sweetie, Heigh Ho,
Do you think he has a clue?
Monday, October 28, 2013
10-27 In Which Much Goodbyes Are Said And Hellos Remembered
don't be shy.
I'm here again.
You too it seems.
latte please, with almond milk, double shot...
small world,
to meet such,
spare change,
at a coffee shop,
grinding, where I once
last saw you,
me, walking the wind to my door,
to go.
sweetie, you have all the time in the world,
walk with me, again,
like this,
yeah I'm cold, but this is nice,
don't be shy,
I'm right around the corner,
just a few minutes, old friend,
Why are you here? again,
whistling the wind to my door,
again, whistling,
maybe I shouldn't ask questions,
just come on in,
don't just stand there,
we are old friends you and I,
don't by shy,
old friend,
Winter, you must remember this,
when the wind comes whistling to my door,
I am a man too,
we are, old friends,
you and I,
what else are we to do?
Sunday, October 27, 2013
10-26 So a chef, a dog-napper, and a hungry red she-wolf parade into a bar...
the devil,
went her heels,
spotty on the floor,
twirling in the smoke,
from her cruel jagged lips,
twirling in the smoke,
from her cruel jagged lips,
fur, ceiling to the floor,
ceiling to the floor,
fur, ceiling to the floor,
arms, shoulders,
ceiling to the floor,
-it's laber-doodle,
do ya love it?
flash, thrust,
cackling, in the red,
cackling in the black,
pearly white cackling,
ceiling to the floor,
oh snap, my sister,
oh snap, my sister,
oh snap,
twirling wooden spoons,
clapping, slapping,
twirling wooden spoons,
clapping, slapping,
shaking shook salt,
on the floor,
on the floor,
shaking shook salt,
on a,
pepper perfect patron,
pepper perfect person,
pepper, perfect, pepper,
patron, perfect, pepper,
patron, person
please, sister,
hold the salt, hold the salt,
shaking, shook, slapping,
hold the salt, hold the salt,
shaking, shook, slapping,
hold the salt, hold the salt,
slapping, shaking,
slapping, shaking,
oh snap, my sister,
oh snap, my sister
oh snap,
in a red dress, undress,
in a red dress, undress,
caress, in a red dress,
howl like you want it,
howl like you want it,
howl like you need it,
howl like you undress,
in a red dress, caress,
in a red dress, caress,
in a red dress,
howl like you have it,
howl like you have it,
howl like you give it,
howl if you want it,
undressed, in a red dress,
caressed, in a red dress,
howl, cause you got it,
howl, cause you got it,
oh snap, my sister,
oh snap, my sister,
oh snap.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
10-25 Love, For Love
Cinderella tucked her knees,
into the house of September,
wishing the cotton woven starlight,
into his ember-ed arms,
love, for love,
as he
gathering the shadows from her,
spun black threads into her thoughts,
wishing, between her knees,
she would fill his house of September,
love, for love,
as I lay dying,
watching the two,
in the midnight ashes of the hour,
love, for love,
end the day.
Friday, October 25, 2013
10-24 Children Will Listen
are afraid of you,
what you are seeing, hearing,
Whispers of war, brewing,
witches in the branches,
wishing on the hour, emerging,
wizards in the leaves, falling,
revealing, Whispers of war,
are not, what others have seen,
accepted before, Apple and I,
are afraid you will, believe,
and listen, and then,
Moon rises between the un-forming, branches of my sky,
as you,
curiously, peel away, picking,
remarking, casually, with glitter, tossing
the rotten ones on the floor,
rolling into the corner,
while the ripe ones, the ones that glow,
sunset red and sunset gold,
your eyes fill with pleasure, plan,
the smell of pie and glue guns,
tracing, the once-been cross-hatched markings of dough,
tightly woven into the bark blackened,
around my face,
with your glue guns, hot, and dripping,
how can you ask, me,
to bake a mask, for my child?
Apple shivers under the yawning, yellowing, rising Moon-
I can't hold him, and hide my face too.
Can't you see the salt dripping between my fingers,
silver needles, scissors, flashing, with my thumbs,
flashing, thin silver cords, when I look out,
cutting, the pastry, in my red apron, I can't hide him, from you,
silver needles flashing, gold thread forming,
from the Moon, spun, asked,
always a price,
always a price,
and yet, you, ask for more,
gold thread to be spun, to name,
the tree growing without my permission,
he is too beautiful, to want,
to prune, to capture, to release,
he is too beautiful, to hide,
glowering within the amber fire of his dark shadows,
when the Whispers held him,
fed him Whispers into the late of October,
because I could not, sing down the wind,
because he is too beautiful, to sing,
down the wind, and be born,
beneath the angry eye of the dragon moon, hungry,
Apple and I know,
Apple and I know,
where the Whispers went,
where the Whispers went to follow, and curl,
into the hollow of his arms, cradling, him,
while his parents, cried over their stillborn,
child, face down, in the dirt, leaves crumbling,
into gathering Whispers, as they buried, him,
sending him to where the Whispers went,
to follow, and curl, into the hollow of their arms,
cradling him, welcoming him into their company,
in their,
graves holding the once-living,
who holds the never-alive?
Apple, The Moon and I whisper,
sing down the wind to me,
sing down the wind to me,
he is too beautiful,
trying to hold, me,
with their tiny lullaby hands,
but what do children know,
that a lover will listen too?
Oh Moon,
He sees you looking,
and tries,
to rip the hands from my face,
the scissors from my hands,
the needles from my thumbs,
strangling himself in silver and gold,
threads, so young, spun, and hot,
he can not know,
who his parents are,
he can not know,
what prices were paid,
to the witches and wizards,
so he could,
sing down the wind, with me,
my child, sing down the wind,
with me, we are afraid,
Apple and I are afraid,
all he can feel, is
the tree of his heart,
growing too big,
to hide behind, another mask,
what will you find?
when his temper, unchecked,
sends the Whispers to love,
with the tree of his heart,
Apple, and I are afraid,
afraid for you.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
10-23 Last Call
for a writer,
but how else, do I?
tell you, these woods,
feel empty, these leaves,
collect, crumble,
into my hands, these words,
collect, crumble,
into my hands,
these woods,
your shadow,
behind me, walking,
your shadow,
behind me, walking,
as the last bells of evening,
your shadow,
collecting, crumbling,
words into my hands,
into these woods,
collecting, crumbling,
I am, again,
looking down,
an Autumn, unwinding leaves-
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
10-22 Mr. Behr, The Moon, and I Say Goodnight
when the night came,
to say good night, love,
the moon and I,
thought of you love,
the moon and I,
thought of you,
I could come home to you,
when the sun goes down,
I could come home to you,
but I could not stay,
the new day awake,
I could not stay,
at home with you,
I don't know why,
but the moon and I,
thought only of you,
tonight love,
only of you tonight,
good bye love,
I didn't want to say,
good bye love,
but you asked me to say,
good night love,
tonight, love,
the moon and I,
think only of you,
tonight love,
the moon and I,
think only of you-
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
10-21 Autumn Reveals His Eyes
no, no, no, no
but I said,
the crisp was warm,
like I knew it would be,
gluten-free, caring,
like I knew you would be,
sitting in the chair,
like a wolf dad,
caring, would be,
for it's pup,
who had grown up,
slick, muscled and furry,
golden-amber flashing,
undecided, in an apartment,
that wasn't, and won't be,
anymore, you need to leave, leave, leave,
as you should be,
because I can't not in this place,
there is not,
enough room,
for the storms brewing, in my palms,
in my lips, in my canines,
as it should be,
creature of the woods, you raised,
you are me,
and you talked, you talked, you talked,
your black glasses into punctuation,
and boundaries, sentences, fluctuation of you voice,
and I came, come,
with the dust of the old lupine country,
in my words, in my movements,
as I should be, as you want me to be,
in my words, in my movements,
you want a man,
to prowl with,
I've become, one,
if you want this man, to hunt with,
you need to remind me that,
I can howl at the moon,
as much as you want me too,
I can howl at the October moon,
as much as you need me too,
and howl, howl, howl,
howl, howl, howl,
as it should be, two,
scratching the dirt from beneath my paws, two,
scrambling, twisting, clawing, to get at you,
just as much as you,
just as much as you need me too,
I am,
only a pup of a man,
I whimper,
hot-headed, blood dripping from my mouth,
whimpering, nuzzling, blood drying on the corners of my mouth,
while we talk politely, of corn fields, full moons,
picket fences, and other gods,
but he stirs, while I stir,
unconsciously, wild,
in the fever-dream of your words,
as it should be,
Monday, October 21, 2013
10-21 Could you?
Sunday, October 20, 2013
10-19 Three Minutes
use three words,
to say-
I was lucky,
and had,
three minutes,
to say-
these three words.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
10-18 The Onesie Shows My Package
men are stripping into
their panties,
high heels, bird-seed bouncing,
tittering, titillating, tweetering,
huddling into a tiny corner,
I quickly, drop trou-
feeling naked- exposed
I am not seen,
fumbling with the buttons,
sugar-water drips nervous,
down my chest,
- a buzz-by startles me,
the buttons undone,
attracted to the color-
Friday, October 18, 2013
10-17 Shame
is this not wrong?
hand held,
pushing me away on the dance floor,
pulling me back,
spinning slow,
pulling me back,
in your,
is this not wrong?
step left, step right,
step left, step right,
look at me,
step left, step right,
step left, step right,
look at me,
look at me-
turn away,
is this not wrong?
breath comes fast on the spin of the moment,
spinning into the moment on the breath,
coming fast, you are the moment,
of my breath spinning, coming fast,
you are, spinning, coming fast,
spinning, you are breath-
is this not wrong?
is this not wrong?
is this not wrong?
hand-held, pushing me away,
into the moment of my breath,
spinning, look at me, spinning,
brother, look.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
10-16 The Curse of The Petunia Bakery Shoppe
Mr. Behr,
Leaves crumble in the hearts of my Autumn.
what do you say, Mr. Behr?
shaking leaves from the skeleton fingers of my Autumn
what can you say, Mr. Behr?
is it time to sleep?
gold smolders, crumbles, storms, in his eyes,
Winter looks out,
innocence in his fore-arms, careful,
Mr. Behr,
careful- these are the days of my Autumn.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
10-15 The Morning After
follow all,
follow all,
in the hallow,
in the hallow.
follow all,
in the hallow.
Litter on the ground,
in the hollow,
in the hollow.
litter on the ground,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
follow all,
follow all,
in the hallow,
in the hallow.
follow all,
in the hallow.
foot steps on the walk,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
follow, come follow,
foot falls on the walk,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
follow all,
follow all,
in the hallow,
in the hallow.
follow all,
in the hallow.
gather trash from the mud,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
gather ash from the mud,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
come follow,
gather ash,
in the hallow,
in the hallow,
come follow,
gather ash,
in the hollow,
in the hollow,
foot steps walk,
quiet the follow,
foot steps walk,
quiet the follow,
foots falls talk,
quiet the follow,
in the hallow,
in the hallow,
quiet the follow,
in the hallow,
in the hallow-
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
10-14 Apple and The Balloon Breathe
Apple could not,
Apple would not,
Apple could not, would not,
and So.
There were,
balloons in the corner,
balloons tied-to-the-chair,
balloons in the corner,
there were,
But Apple,
could not,
would not,
and So.
It was NOT Apple's birth day.
There were,
balloons, bright, bright, yellow,
balloons, red, green, white-striped
blue, balloons tied-to-the-chair,
there were,
But Apple,
could not,
would not,
his mom.
Apple could not,
Apple would not,
and So.
There was a
Balloon, Purple-white-striped.
Balloon, Purple-white-striped.
Baloon, tied-to-his-hand,
there was a,
But Apple,
could not,
would not,
and So.
Apple let go.
and breathed.
Blue-sky-swallow. Fly.
Fly-blue-sky. Swallow.
Monday, October 14, 2013
10-13 The Door Opens
on my hands, I opened
a hushed fellowship, gathered, to look
something new, something different, and he
amber smoke smoldering, unfurling,
I, with petals stained on my hands,
hesitated, at the door,
10-12 Snow Buys A Shirt
when on a lark-of-a-road trip,
painters brush dangling,
casual bristles swaying,
from your hip, you bought,
an out-of-style-retro-trip-hip
only been, worn, torn, caught-a-smile, few times,
in the candy aisle,
of a country five-and-dime,
painter's brush dangling,
bristles, casual,
from his hip,
on a pink plastic hanger,
in a candy aisle kind of road-trip...
because you can't,
for the life of you,
understand why.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
10-11 Did
couldn't, didn't,
though he tried,
Timothy David,
watched his empire,
crumble, mumble, and die,
cursing screws, kings,
princes, washers, and
Timothy David built
crucifying his princess,
laughing at clocks, ticking-tocking, rocking
maddening, maniacal, midnights ,
Timothy David,
stroking his ego,
hammered his lady, crazy,
stoking his pyre, higher,
taller, higher, brighter, till
Timothy David,
10-10 Stick
Pretty little needles, humming,
gossiping, humming,
witty necessities, humming.
Chatty tiny prickers, buzzing,
darting, buzzing,
must's, do's, buzzing.
Pretty little needles.
Pretty little needles.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
10-9 don't you, don't you
don't you,
don't you,
write me a sad Christmas song, babe,
sing for me your sad Christmas song, when,
L is for the way I want you,
to look at me,
don't you,
don't you, understand,
I don't want to hear you cry that sad Christmas song,
when O, Oh, Oh, is
for all I want to do,
lay it down in duet,
with you, so
don't you, don't you, don't you,
forget about me,
when you write that sad Christmas song, babe,
because, V, is very, very, you, are my,
E, extraordinary, so don't you,
don't you, don't you,
forget, this is how you,
L.O.V.E your Christmas song to me.
10-8 Look
mirror, mirror,
beneath your skin,
the house of the dragon,
hiding within,
beneath your skin,
one eye open,
can't look back,
can't look back,
what have you done,
mouse is caught,
beneath your skin,
looking in,
looking in,
mirror, mirror,
will you let him,
in again, and again,
beneath your skin,
the house of the dragon,
hiding within.
10-7 You Forgot Your Key
It's Not You.
It's Not You.
No. No. No.
I told you.
No. No. No
It's not you.
You. It's Not.
No. No. No.
It's Not.
No. No. No.
It's. Not.
No. No. No.
It's Not.
Monday, October 7, 2013
10-06 What He Told Me
Sunday, October 6, 2013
10-05 Again, Flight
in this,
and not,
alone as
traffic overhead,
honks, jamming,
the airwaves,
while I sit,
in radio silence,
wondering why,
the knob broke.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
10-04 Winter Is Always Coming
shivering when you, he's near,
clutching, grasping, turning my head,
firmly to look at you, him, from him,
to you, your, where-ever,
no matter where the ever of Alaska
takes me, there he is, and you,
tapping me on the shoulders,
with your, his, skeleton fingers,
on my shoulders,
pushing through bone,
digging, digging, digging,
skewering my heart,
words of winter,
no matter where you, he takes me,
there Alaska is,
fist-punch to the chest,
smashing, smashing, smashing,
words of winter,
yet you, he and you kisses my eye lids close,
so sweetly,
sweetly into the soft kisses,
of his, your eyes,
so sweetly, soft
there Alaska is,
falling words-
winter is coming.
Friday, October 4, 2013
10-03 A Spell For October
fairy dust,
fairy dust,
to wake the eyes,
from deepest slumber,
lips and lies,
to soothe the truth,
beneath grey skies,
within the hearts of men,
oh, come, men, come,
come, men, come,
come find us,
wake us,
know us,
soothe us,
bring us, to
the back again,
with fairy dust,
to wake you then,
held within our lips and lies,
oh, come, men, come,
come, men, come
your deepest slumber,
in grey-ing eyes,
caught between our hearts and sky,
these men of October must not lie,
fairy dust,
fairy dust,
fairy dust,
bid them wake,
the good of night.
10-02 Caretaker
and it's not what,
you think,
and I am not sure,
what to think,
so I play along,
and hope,
the reason,
is not what others think,
that you don't need,
a reason,
just a heart,
and that you have,
large enough,
to swallow me whole.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
10-01 Shouting Out In The Darkness
hold my arms,
dipping them in ink,
swirling woods,
forming conversation,
with a man,
I may never meet,
but who might as well,
be holding my arms,
swirling in ink,
forming a woods,
being a man.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
09-30 Sad Beautiful
at the half-past line,
there you are,
in your sad, protected, rhyme,
moving in,
the heart didn't ask permission,
for you,
to be beautiful,
wild, crazy, beautiful,
and not.
the heart didn't ask permission,
but there you are,
and I,
don't know,
if I want,
to let you in,
let you share,
let this new, wild, crazy, beautiful, me
give permission,
to share,
cause at half-past,
you are still a man,
and I'm a girl,
is this house of September big enough,
for two sad beautifuls,
to be wild and crazy,
or will you,
give permission,
for my heart,
to be beautiful.
who are you?
who are you?
but there you are...
last day, at half-past,
and I still don't know.